Monday, October 11, 2010

Critical Attributes

1. Critical attributes strategy is that focuses on conveying the procedural knowledge of identifying the main ideas of a concept without allowing children to form inaccurate concepts, ideas, or beliefs to be efficient citizens.
2.  -Soldier-A person who serves in Military services
   - War- A conflict between parties by force of arms
    -Aftermath- Something that follows or results from an event
    -PTSD-Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, a mental disorder that occurs after a horrific event
2B. Non critical attributes would be content that is not needed to understand topic
3.  My topic is on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in soldiers. Since my best friend was in the Marines and went overseas three times, I have a high level of passion for the topic. I feel very strong about this topic and care about the issue. Although I feel strong about it, I have not had a friend or family members who suffers from PTSD after the war, so my opinions are not as intense. I think I could balance my personal feelings and not be bias.  Although I do feel strongly, I think I would be much more passionate and aggressive if it has affected me or my family negatively.
4. A level of passion absolutely gets you fired up for a lesson. When someone loves or feels for a topic they are talking about it, they are more inclined to have be passionate. I think when someone is familiar with a topic, and has formed some sort of opinion on it, it gets them more involved.

I believe being passionate about a topic leads to better discussions, but can also leads to disputes.  It is important to remind students that everyone has an opinion and it needs to be respected.  A teacher must lead by example and hope her class follows.
5. In order to avoid discussions turning into debates, teachers need to lead discussions with students and make sure they understand there are many different views on an issue. Also, make sure they understand that any comments should be thoughtfully considered before they are said.
6A. Has anyone ever thought of joining the Military?
6B. Have you ever thought of how it would be as a soldier?
6C. Do you think it is hard for a soldier when they come home?
6D. Are soldiers important to the world?

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